
Fox Fitness Has RockTape In Stock

How Can Tape Help?
You probably have seen some athletes running around with this tattoo looking tape on. Most likely in the Olympics.You are probably asking yourself the same question most people ask – what is it and how can tape help your performance? According to RockTape, there are a few reasons.

Sensorimotor (proprioceptive) system – As explained in the PowerTaping manual, “It is a system of receptors (in this case cutaneous/skin receptors) that communicate with the brain about the body’s position. If we can tap into that system and heighten the aware of our body in space, we can enhance performance.” Essentially the tactile nature of the tape makes your body hyper aware of its own location and movements.

Inflammation control – RockTape lifts skin away from the underlying fascia, which holds blood and lymph vessels and nerves. This extra space relieves fluid congestion, reduces inflammation and pain, and allows for increased blood flow and therefore accelerated healing. By keeping inflammation at bay, pain receptors are not activated and this also allows for enhancements in performance.

Kinetic chain – PowerTaping was developed based on the concept of muscles acting as parts in a chain. It uses the “all one fascia” concept explained by Thomas W. Myers in his book Anatomy Trains. Essentially what this means is you are taping the movement pattern, not an isolated body part. One beneficial aspect of this method of taping is the “snap back” phenomenon. This means the elastic recoil of the RockTape assists in bringing muscles back to their original position efficiently when a movement is completing. This results in an increase in performance.

PowerTaping has application for all levels of athletes, as it can be used in five main areas:

  • Rehabilitation
  • Edema Control
  • Postural Control
  • Pregnancy
  • Sports Performance

I highly recommend if you purchase RockTape to also purchase the PowerTaping manual as it goes into great detail on how to tape for all five purposes and even contains special sections on activities like taping for natural running. The website,, also has instructional videos available.

Rock Sauce

In addition to RockTape there is also Rock Sauce. A topical pain reliever, Rock Sauce combines the cooling effects of menthol with the heating effect of methyl salicylate. It contains large percentages of both ingredients in comparison to other pain relievers on the market and you will definitely feel it when you apply it to your body. Rock Sauce claims to reduce inflammation and sooth sore muscles.

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