Thursday, November 29, 2012

31 Days of Christmas Submissions: Day 6

Triangle Choke: Making men look like boys since, well forever.. J/K But seriously. The key for the triangle choke, well to make it super tight, is to make sure you shoot your hips as high up to their face as you can.

Position 1:
 Position 2: While gripping one or both wrist pull the person to you, using your legs. When you do this they will want to get back to their base by sitting back up. When they go to sit back up that is when you act.
 Position 3: Pick an arm as they sit back and push it to their chest. ( Nobody is going to let you just man handle their arm back to their chest that is why you perform the step that was liste above)
 Position 4: Pick your but up off the ground and swing your leg over the arm you just pressed to their body. Placing it tight to the neck. If you do not shoot your hips up high enough when you do this it will be difficult to tuck your ankle under the other knee. Save yourself the struggle and a failed triangle attempt and work on your abdominal strenght.
 Position 5: If needed reach up and pull your foot toward you, so that your ankle rests under the knee (your knee pit, as some may call it). Lock you akle down tight by bending the top knee.

Finally pull down on your opponents head while trying to squeeze your knees together.. If it still isn't tight enough, take your right arm and under hook the opponents knee.. Pull yourself towars their knee this will make your knees pull together tightening up the triangle.  Happy Choking!!!

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