First, what causes bloating? There are a number of things that cause you to feel bloated and retain water the number one being sodium consumption. During the holidays with all the crazy good (bad) food, there is a lot of sodium floating around. So you consume way more than you generally would. Increased levels of sodium cause your body to retain more water. Also the increased consumption of heavy food weighs down those intestines of yours. That paired with alcohol consumption can lead you to feeling pretty weighed down.
2. Cut out the salt. You got plenty over the holidays plus if you are eating any processed food there is enough in them alone. So no picking up the salt shaker for the next couple days. Try not to eat out since restaurant food is super sodium packed. The best bet is to go fresh and unprocessed for the next couple days. Watch the nutrient labels, because many super salty processed foods don't necessarily taste salty.
3. Watch how much dairy you consume. Though good for calcium consuming to much dairy can cause bloating due to not having enough enzymes to process all the lactose.
4. Certain minerals cause you kidneys to excrete more sodium, specifically potassium. So eat those nanners (bananas), but also mangos, melons, spinach, tomatoes, and nuts. Try and stay away from fruit juice since they can have added sugars. White processed sugar is an inflammatory we want to consume anti-inflammatories.
5. The most important!!! Get off your butt and get moving, go to the gym and try to get a good sweat going. You lose a fair amount of sodium when you sweat!!! So get those leg warmers on lol. Go for a run or come in to Fox Fitness for some cardio classes you can check out our schedule online. Not only will this relieve some of your excess sodium but everyone feels better after working out. The endorphins that are released during exercise will make you feel warm and fuzzy instead of fat and bloated. Yeahhhhh